We focus on Hyper-Local Directional Advertising.
That means we place your business where local people are searching.

We focus on Hyper-Local Directional Advertising.
We place your business where local people are searching.

Welcome to MarketingMediaMix.com

“Directional Advertising” is simply the advertising strategy of being found when and where a prospective client is looking. Historically, phone books, otherwise known as yellow pages have been the most known form of directional advertising. Yellow pages had nearly a monopoly on providing the public with business information when they wanted and needed, until the internet came along. Web design, SEO, internet video marketing, backlinking & pay-per-click advertising are the next generation of directional advertising.

Many of our competitors end up competing with their clients—just to turn around and charge them for a lead. We want to help you take ownership of your online presence. Many websites are distributing your information without your permission. We work to make sure that your web presence is accurate and consistent. This is one of the major steps in improving your online ranking.

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